I’m not going to tell you my age, where I grew up, what schools I attended or if I went to university. I’m not going to tell you about past jobs or how many friends and acquaintances I have. For now, I’m not going to tell you if I’m married or single. I’m not going to tell you how many brothers and sisters I have, or if I have any at all. I’m not going to tell you my favourite colour, (although just for the record… it’s teal.)
I’m not going to tell you how many children I have, or what kind of car I may or may not own; If I live in a large city, or if I live in a small village in the countryside. I’m not going to share the problems I’ve experienced. (You know I must have some, because we all have them. It is the nature of this fallen existence in a broken world.)
I’m not going to tell you anything like that right here; right now. Instead I’m going to start with telling you two important things about myself…