Who Am I?

‘Let me introduce myself…

I’m not going to tell you my age, where I grew up, what schools I attended or if I went to university. I’m not going to tell you about past jobs or how many friends and acquaintances I have. For now, I’m not going to tell you if I’m married or single. I’m not going to tell you how many brothers and sisters I have, or if I have any at all. I’m not going to tell you my favourite colour, (although just for the record… it’s teal.)

I’m not going to tell you how many children I have, or what kind of car I may or may not own; If I live in a large city, or if I live in a small village in the countryside. I’m not going to share the problems I’ve experienced. (You know I must have some, because we all have them. It is the nature of this fallen existence in a broken world.)

I’m not going to tell you anything like that right here; right now. Instead I’m going to start with telling you two important things about myself…

but not in the usual manner’

I am a Christian

I am a Vegan

The Most Important Thing.

I am a Christian.

How do I know that I am a Christian?

I know because I believe what the Bible says about who Jesus Christ is and what He did to save me. I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s own Son; He is God made flesh; the second person of the Holy Trinity. I believe He was crucified and died at Calvary, bearing my sins, was buried and rose again on the third day. I believe He ascended into heaven and will return again to claim His own.

I believe this with my whole heart. This is how I know I am a Christian.

Therefore being a Christian; being in Christ is my identity. It is who I am. Jesus Christ is my ‘Rock,’ my ‘Cornerstone,’ and I can say with confidence if it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t be sitting writing this now.

Something Very Dear to my Heart.

I am a Vegan.

Being vegan means that, to the best of my ability, I avoid eating, buying and using any animal products. I eat only a plant-based diet. That means no meat of any kind, (no beef, pork, fowl or fish.) Boiled down to its essence, I don’t eat anything with a face. In addition to this, I do not consume anything which came out of any living creature. That means, no eggs or dairy.

But veganism goes so much further than this. It is about only using cruelty free products as much as I can. That includes make-up and beauty products, clothing and footwear. definitely no leather or wool.

I guess some would call me a tree-hugger. So be it!

Follow my weekly Blog posts to find out why I believe a vegan diet is not only beneficial to our health as human beings, but also how I believe it is Scriptural from a Christian perspective.

God Bless.