The Most Important Thing

The Gospel

Whilst this site and blog is primarily concerned about what I believe the Bible says about the animals and their place in God’s creation and plan for redemption, it is important to emphasise that the most important thing for any human being is the Gospel.

There is only one God, one truth. He is One yet three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is perfect and holy.

It is because Man sinned right back in the Garden of Eden, that man fell along with the whole of creation. We are all separated from God because of our sin ever since. However, God didn’t leave us there. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ born fully God/fully man to live a blameless life. He was crucified on a cross at Calvary bearing all our sin, died was buried and rose again on the third day. He ascended into heaven and will come back again to claim His own.

All God asks you (yes you) in return, is that you believe this and accept the free gift of Salvation He offers. Once you do this you are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. You are His forever. Bought and paid for.