Seven Days Part 2
In John 14:6 Jesus Christ states that He is the ‘Way, the Truth and the Life.’
Let that sink in for one moment. If you are a Christian, this verse will be very familiar to you and you will have heard it many times. However, sometimes when we hear something a lot, we stop listening. We can miss its true meaning. It’s like we’ve heard and understood, but have we really? Do we hear and read scriptures like these and only think we believe them? Or do we really let them sink right into our spirit?
If you’re anything like me, you will more often than not say to yourself, ‘oh, that’s nice. Of course I believe that,’ and then go about your business.
But deep down, do you believe this? Right in your whole being? When you watch science and nature documentaries, read magazines, scroll social media and the internet, look up Google, listen to news reports, and listen to people who are considered by society and the world as experts in their fields, or horror upon horrors ask Ai; I would implore you to ask yourself this first;
Do I believe these people and opinions over God’s word? Do I believe a scientist instead of God, when this person’s theories contradict the Bible? Do you believe their theories and ‘evidence’ more than God? Do you try to shoe-horn these theories into the Biblical text and then have to do an about turn when they come up with another theory? Or worse still, if you are a Christian, do you take out a science book to prove the Bible is not to be taken too seriously or literally?
Jesus said He is the Truth. I asked you to let that sink in. Now compare John 14:6 with Romans 3:4 where Paul tells us ‘…let God be true, but every man a liar…’
Therefore can you see that Jesus Christ is declaring his divinity in John 14? From His own mouth, He is telling us that He is God in the flesh, since only God is true.
Do you believe Him?
‘But the Bible is written by men?’ I hear some say. I have even heard it from the mouths of Christians. They point out seeming contradictions and irregularities as evidence. After all, even the Bible says every man is a liar, so how can it be infallible?
It is infallible because it is the only book in existence (or rather collection of books) which is God-breathed. It fits together seamlessly and the fact it was written over the course of about 2000 years and penned by different authors proves it was written by God Himself. I encourage you to dig into the codes incorporated into the texts in its original language. Hebrew letter sequences hidden in the Torah (penned by Moses) shows that the text must have been dictated to Moses letter by letter! If there was one letter out, there would be no codes.
I may look at these fascinating codes in future posts but for now I am trying to lay the groundwork to look at the Creation in Genesis and God’s original plan for both us and the animals.
God Almighty created heaven and earth and everything in them. Everything which was created was ‘very good.’ All things were created by Him and for Him. Not one sparrow falls to the ground without His knowledge. Every hair on your head is counted.
God is more than capable of speaking His infallible truth through imperfect beings.
Next week I will address the issues of these seeming inconsistencies and contradictions, before beginning to look at the animals place in the Creation account.
God Bless.